Resources, Reports and Links

Federal Aviation Administration website for applying to change communication tower lights –

Federal Communications Commission website for applying to change communication tower lights –

Federal Communications Commission website with individual communication tower contact information –


Evaluation of New Obstruction Lighting Techniques to Reduce Avian Fatalities. 2012. By James Patterson, Jr. (Federal Aviation Administration).

The Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular for Marking and Lighting of Tall Structures (AC 70/7460-1L) 2015.

Communication towers, lights, and birds: successful methods of reducing the frequency of avian collisions. 2009. Joelle Gehring et al.

The role of tower height and guy wires on avian collisions with communication towers. 2011. Joelle Gehring et al.

An Estimate of Avian Mortality at Communication Towers in the United States and Canada. 2012. Travis Longcore et al.


Download a sample petition letter to tower engineers.

More About Birds and Towers

Check out our online resources to learn more about how you can create a safer environment for birds by reducing communication tower collisions and fatalities.